As America’s policymakers grapple with ways to reduce the nation’s carbon footprint, one often-overlooked area is ripe for improvement: household energy consumption. According to the Department of Energy, about 22 percent of energy consumed in the United State... More »
Renewable energy is increasingly popular as the urgency for climate action intensifies around the globe. Meanwhile, ongoing technological and economic challenges dominate the debate over the deployment of renewables, marginalizing the discussion of the geopoli... More »
Climate change poses a vast set of public policy challenges ranging from energy generation and resource extraction to food production and transportation. However, in the United States today, some policymakers and legislators regularly propagate misinformation ... More »
Brazil’s Amazon rainforest is one of the world’s most extensively researched ecological zones. In addition to its rich biodiversity and economic importance to Brazil, the Amazon is also one of the largest land-based sinks of atmospheric carbon in the world. A ... More »
Electrification, defined as replacing carbon-emitting fuels with electricity as a primary energy source to provide a similar service, is often considered a critical tactic in the fight against climate change. The process of electrification may be the globe’s b... More »
Over the past decade, the trend of switching to electricity as a power source for everything from cars to space heaters has garnered much attention. With electricity now increasingly being generated from renewable energy sources, the electrification of transpo... More »
As climate change increasingly threatens populations across the globe, indigenous communities relying on rain-fed agriculture are especially vulnerable. Yet governments and policymakers have developed and implemented climate change adaptation plans rooted almo... More »
As climate change has altered environments across the globe, it has caused mass migration. For example, an intense drought in Honduras recently led thousands of people to leave their homes and head north to Mexico for an opportunity to earn an agriculture-base... More »
The recent withdrawal of the United States from the multilateral Iran Nuclear deal (commonly known as JCPOA) reimposes American sanctions on the purchase of Iranian oil and natural gas. The decision from the Trump administration will have wide-reaching effects... More »
Since the broad discovery of climate change in the 1970s, researchers and scientists have attempted to understand its wide-ranging effects. Previous studies have extensively examined the relationship of climate to water access, human health, economic developme... More »
The emergence and development of hydraulic fracturing, commonly known as “fracking,” has had a substantial impact on global energy production. In the United States, this process, by which water and other chemicals are forced into buried shale rock to extract n... More »
The proliferation of renewable energy such as wind and solar power is rapidly changing the United States’ electrical grid. The growth of renewables has created a need for flexible resources capable of responding quickly to variability in electrical generation—... More »