Policymakers, spurred by the use of widespread electrification to achieve low carbon economies, have used varying policy approaches to bring about a more digitized, decentralized, and decarbonized grid. Bringing about a cleaner and smarter electrical system ca... More »
As COVID-19 spreads around the globe, staying at home has become the easiest and most effective way to save lives. Governments across the world have translated this public health measure into policy by enacting “shelter in place” orders, confining millions to ... More »
As the COVID-19 pandemic rages around the globe and ravages communities, racial disparities in many aspects of public life in the US have been highlighted. Access to public green spaces, including parks, nature preserves, forests, and community gardens (Wolch ... More »
There is a growing consensus among scientists, policymakers, and stakeholders that society must become more reliant on renewable energy in order to mitigate the effects of climate change. However, the method of and timeline for renewable energy reliance remain... More »
The Paris Climate Agreement has renewed a focus on American state and local policies which aim to reconcile economic growth with the declared goal of limiting global warming to two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial temperatures. Energy efficiency support pr... More »
Carbon dioxide emissions are one of the major causes of climate change. Developing the renewable energy industry is essential to tackling climate change since that decreases reliance on fossil fuels. As the European Union strategizes for smart, sustainable, an... More »
It is no secret that the United States is a major producer of carbon emissions and that policies to curb the emissions of one of the biggest offenders, electricity generation, have not been successful at significantly reducing carbon emissions. However, the ph... More »
Use of neonic pesticides in crops has dramatically increased in the past few decades. But a growing body of research suggests these treatments have a detrimental effect on bee populations. A recent study by Anson Main, Elisabeth Webb, Keith Goyne, and Doreen M... More »
Between 1949 and 2009, at least 40 percent of intrastate conflicts were linked to natural resources, according to estimates in a UN report. A growing body of research explores these links to try to explain variation across factors like time, geography, and res... More »
Burkina Faso, a small West African country, is experiencing a child public health crisis. 88 percent of children under five years old are anemic, 16 percent are wasted — meaning they weigh too little for their height (a good predictor of mortality), and 35 per... More »
In many of the world’s largest urban areas, the basic standards of living set out in the Sustainable Development Goals are woefully out of reach. In the developing world, cities won’t achieve those goals without providing adequate green space. Conceived broadl... More »
Surrounding the Arctic Ocean, lying along a nearly continuous 10,000 mile (16,000 km) ring of inhospitable tundra, one of Earth’s most important environmental assets is beginning to collapse.Permafrost — perennially frozen soil and rock — may not look like muc... More »