

The commentary section features work from staff, faculty, members of the editorial board, and outside contributors. 

The positions stated within commentary articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the Chicago Policy Review nor Editorial Board.

116 posts

The Case for Puerto Rican Self-Determination


On February 3, 2020, I stood outside the Drake University building where one of the Iowa Caucuses was taking place. That morning, I had driven up from Humboldt Park, Chicago, squeezed into a rental van with a group of four other members of the Puerto Rican Age... More »


The Coffee Cup and Plastic Straw


Introduction: A regular day in the life of an American Jennifer is on her way to work when she makes her daily stop at the local coffee shop in Chicago to pick up her iced coffee for the day, served in a coffee cup with a single-use plastic straw. As an Americ... More »


Direct Democracy Now


In the internet age, middlemen of all stripes have found themselves out of a job. But there is one type of middleman that seems immune from disruption: the legislator. Each election cycle, these grifters regale us with fantastical promises. Then, their campaig... More »


It’s Time for a New Constitution


On Thursday September 17, the United States celebrated Constitution Day—a holiday celebrating the signing of the Constitution in 1787. In the intervening 233 years, the document has undergone 27 revisions that have aimed at making the United States and its ins... More »


How to Tax the Rich


President-elect Joe Biden is forming a transition team to assume office in January, but the outcome of some Senate elections are still outstanding. While the exact congressional makeup is unclear, more is known about the Biden-Harris transition team, which now... More »


Law Enforcement, White Supremacy, and the Far-Right


Jimmy Miotto examines how currently proposed police reforms would be in vain without a reckoning of law enforcement’s past and present status as a haven for white supremacists.It goes without saying that when the history of America in 2020 is written, COVID-19... More »


Minimum Wage in a Pandemic, in 4 Graphs


As the economy free falls into a sharp recession [1], many low-income workers have been deemed “essential” during the pandemic [2], which effectively obligates work—notably without any additional federally mandated hazard pay [3]. This basic contrast, along wi... More »