It Pays to Price Congestion
It saves commuters time and money, so why is it so unpopular? More »
It saves commuters time and money, so why is it so unpopular? More »
A transportation analyst sums up how far the city has come on restructuring its transit infrastructure---and how far it has yet to go. More »
Urban school districts spend to compete. More »
The pricey downside of life in the city. More »
Brownfield makeovers aren't glamorous for everyone. More »
A new Chicago start-up hopes to fill up the city's food deserts with a new approach---and with sound policy. More »
A family’s housing reality is often viewed as an index of its economic situation. However, Brian Jacob, Jens Ludwig, and Douglas Miller's new NBER working paper joins a groundswell of research that demonstrates that housing situations are in fact proxies for m... More »
Charters are commonly seen as the answer to urban school districts’ troubles. However, it appears that they are not the answer to education issues everywhere, and may not be the answer at all. More »
As the economy struggles to rebound and the foreclosure crisis takes its toll on American cities, vacant land and abandoned buildings continue to abound. For America’s once-great manufacturing cities, the impact has been even greater as metropolitan areas thro... More »
Some might like to blame George Bush’s “ownership society,” with its emphasis on homeownership as a cure-all for social ills of all kinds, for the intrusion of the federal government into the housing and mortgage markets. But as Dan Immergluck explains in his ... More »