
Emily Dobson

4 posts

Trump and COVID-19: 5 Election Scenarios


President Trump shocked the nation last week when he announced that he tested positive for COVID-19. Reports of the president’s medical treatment suggest that he is suffering from serious symptoms, throwing an already chaotic election season into further disar... More »


The Long-Term Impact of Anti-Poverty Policies


Since the enactment of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, the federal government of the United States has taken a hands-on approach to alleviating poverty. From the minimum wage to food stamps, existing federal policies provide low-income families numerous ... More »


The Economics of Begging


In cities around the globe, people can be found street-side asking for money. While there are some who chose to perform or sell small goods, others ask for cash without offering anything of value in return. These individuals, known as panhandlers, face harsh p... More »