Policy Radio | Cook County Commissioner Bridget Gainer on Addressing the Challenges of Vacant Properties

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Bridget Gainer, City of Chicago
Bridget Gainer, Cook County

Cook County Commissioner Bridget Gainer has represented the county’s 10th district since 2009. She is the Chair of the County Board’s Pension Committee, in addition to serving on a number of others. Her priorities as commissioner include promoting the accessibility of financial services, preserving quality health services for vulnerable and high risk communities, making government operations more efficient and transparent, and, most recently, addressing the challenges posed by the county’s thousands of vacant properties. In addition to her position on the County Board, Commissioner Gainer works in the private sector as an insurance broker for Aon. She has previously worked in the public sector in the City of Chicago’s Budget Department and Parks District and in the non-profit sector as a community organizer in both New York City and Chicago. Commissioner Gainer has a BA from the University of Illinois and an MBA from the University of Chicago. 

This week, Julie Cooper speaks with Cook County’s 10th District Commissioner Bridget Gainer about vacant properties in Cook County, the role of the Cook County Land Bank in dealing with those properties, and what opportunities the County has to adapt its residential land use to current demographic trends.

This podcast was edited/produced by Julie Cooper.

Feature Photo: cc/(Chicago Now)

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