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Why Our Brains Tune Out Climate Change


In 2018, Climate Outreach, a leading climate-communications non-profit, released a handbook for scientists working under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on how to effectively communicate climate change to the public. The handbook suggests ... More »


Debunked: The Plainspoken Populist


In 2015, The Boston Globe famously reported that Donald Trump spoke at a fourth-grade level. The future president’s 2016 announcement speech scored a 4.1 on linguistic tests, meaning a fourth-grade student could understand his speech. By contrast, Hillary Clin... More »


How Fear of the Future Causes Political Gridlock


Gridlock can occur even when the same political party controls both houses of the U.S. Congress, as we have seen through the beginning of the Trump presidency. Gridlock bogs down the wheels of bureaucracy and makes it difficult to agree even on legislation tha... More »